Table of Lean on 454
10 or greater coverage, less than 1000 coverage
# = 1244 unique contigs
2479 SNPs
joining and filter by evalue
LESS than 1.00E-4
514 unique SPIDS
NOTE to get Background also filtered on evalue
Functional Annotation Chart
#= 2240 SNPs
1115 unique contigs
joining and filter by evalue
LESS than 1.00E-4
502 unique SPIDS
both lean and siscowets in this file the is ready for DAVID
Functional Annotation Chart for Sisco
lean and sisco
filter on Pvalue 0.05
after looking at Revigo - Enriched stuff, could replicate SNP discovery using 454.
And after RNA-seq is done we could consider tiieing it together (the RNA-seq and the SNPs)